Studies in English

This portion of the site is edited by the students.

Student Board

Student Board


The Student Board of English Studies represents its 200+ students, through which students may exercise their rights and protect their interests throughout their studies. 

The Student Board of English Studies is composed of 10 members: 2 student representatives from each year except First Year (Years 2-6) of medical school. These members are elected each summer semester, while student liaisons for First Year, who are in constant contact with the SB, are selected in the coming winter semester.

As a group, we work to maintain and further enhance student involvement, in order to make life at the university as great as possible. We strive to advance the interests and the well-being of the medical school and its students. We encourage you to ask questions about student activities and academic courses and voice your opinions on what you think could be improved. Every year, improvements are made to the curriculum and the overall learning experience based on student suggestions. 

This is our simple message to you: get involved and try to make the most of your time here at the University of Belgrade. Hopefully, you will all create memories that will be worth taking with you for the rest of your lives! 

Always catering to your interests, and always there for you. 

If you have an issue you would like to discuss, please contact

Your Student Board


MORE About the SB

The role of each year's representative is to represent their colleagues and be their voice on the board. They are also responsible for being the Faculty's and course directors' main contact person for matters related to their own year.

First Year students choose one member from each Anatomy group to be their representative; the liaison students. They serve as the key bridge between the Student Board, First Year students, and the course directors of First Year subjects. Finally, the SB assigns a board member to delegate all matters related to First Year students and their selected liaisons.

The Student Board's 10 members elect a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary to serve as the Presidency. They also appoint delegates and coordinators for specific functions that are related to student life on campus (e.g. this website, sports, events, etc.).



SB Members FOR 2023-2024




Jelena Bogdanović
Stefan Momčilović
Dora Medaković
Minya Karać
Andjelika Pejić
Milica Petroniević
Milena Stamatoski
Mateja Radulović
Mia Vasić
Anastasia Djukanović




The Student Board organizes a variety of events and actively participates in various projects aimed at enhancing the student experience. Our projects include charitable initiatives, educational workshops, and other endeavors that support the professional and personal development of students. Through collaborative work and partnerships, we strive to improve the quality of student life and provide opportunities for growth and learning beyond the classroom. Some of our projects include:

Lectures and workshops:


1. "Between the Sheets: the Ins and Outs of safe sex & contraception”

Guest lecturer: Prof. Svetlana Vrzic Petronijevic

An informative lecture on contraception and sex education was organized in collaboration with IFMSA to provide students with essential knowledge for making informed decisions about sexual health. Topics covered included various contraceptive methods, their effectiveness, and sexual health best practices. This event aimed to promote safe and responsible choices among students.

Date: March 8, 2024.

2. Live your breast life

Guest lecturer: Assist. Dr Stefan Dugalić

Explore 'Live Your Breast Life' workshop by IFMSA Student Board and MFUB, an engaging session dedicated to promoting breast health awareness through interactive self-examination activities and expert guidance.

Date: 24.04.2024.




Course Evaluations

In collaboration with the Coordination Board of English Studies

The Student Board organized a Course Evaluations project to gather student feedback on courses and instructors. This initiative aimed to assess teaching quality and identify areas for improvement. The collected data will be used to enhance the overall academic experience and guide future course development.

All data is completely anonymous.

In order to ensure the honesty and safety of students, every data goes through the processing of the student board before being sent to the faculty administration.


Student assistants

In collaboration with the pre-clinical departments and the Coordination Board, students have the opportunity to become assistants in pre-clinical courses. This role involves aiding younger peers in laboratory settings and providing valuable support in their studies. The initiative is organized by course directors with backing from the Coordination Board and the Student Board of English Studies.


Instagram profile

In order to stay connected to you, you can also find the Student Board on Instagram. 



Fresher’s Fair and Campus Tour

In collaboration with all student organizations at MFUB

The fair takes place at the start of the academic year and brings together a variety of MFUB student organizations. This event offers an excellent opportunity to discover extracurricular activities available on campus. Additionally, a guided campus tour is organized for all first-year students to help them familiarize themselves with the campus and its facilities.

Annual Clothing Drive

In collaboration with SUMC

Student Board organizes an annual clothing drive,

where students can donate their clothes to those in need 


Previous projects:
SB projects 2018-2019



  • Elections of each year's representatives and its Student Board members for every academic year are held at the end of every academic year
  • Every student can and is encouraged to apply to be a representative for his/her year. In order to submit one's application, one needs to send an email to at least 1 week before election day. Once the applications close, a list of official candidates will be made and announced on the student website, alongside information about the upcoming Election Day
  • On Election Day, students can anonymously vote for their preferred candidates at the set-up polling stations. One needs to bring their ID or index in order to vote
  • An Electoral Commission is organized, and composed of 4 members; 3 are independent students, and the 4th is a member of the Coordination Board of English Studies representing the Faculty. Their main purpose is to guarantee the legality of the election
  • The Electoral Commission counts the votes and reports the final results, as well as any irregularities if any arise
  • Results are announced on the Faculty's website
  • First Year students choose a group leader for each Anatomy group. This person is not a full member of the Student Board as they have no right to vote in SB meetings. However, these students serve as an important link between First Years and the SB
  • If more students in a group are interested in this role, the SB will organize additional elections for that specific group


The election process is based on Article 21 of the Student Board policy.

Student Board Election Policy





In this section, we would like to give you a glimpse at student life on campus.
Since this section is constantly evolving, feel free to send us your pictures from your experiences on campus!

Student Board:
Student Board 2018-2019

Student Board 2022-2023

Student Board activities:
SB Public Lecture Covid-19 - February 2020
WG Quality Improvements- Evaluations- January 2021
Elections 2021 - June 2021




President of the Student Board

Jelena Bogdanovic


Class e-mails for each year of study

Year 1 Delegates for first Year
Year 2
Year 3 mfub3y@gmail
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Note 5th Year e-mail does not follow the pattern due to unavailable domen*

Instagram Profile



Coordinators and Delegates: see members page





The Statute of the Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade:

- original version (2018) in Serbian (from the Faculty's main website, opšta akta)

- The Statute of the Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, English version from 2016


Rulebook of English Studies:
original version in Serbian (from the Faculty's main website, opšta akta)
- English version, from the main webpage of the website


Rulebook of the Student Parliament, original version in Serbian:

- Version of the 07.11.2011


Rulebook of the Student Board of English Studies:

- Pravilnik o radu Studenskog Odbora engleske Nastave

- Rulebook of the Student Board of the English Studies

- Addictional changes to the Student Board Rulebook_07.07.2021

- Izmena Pravilnikom o radu Studenskog Odbora engleske nastave_07.07.2021


Rulebook of the organization of the Student Assistant volunteer activity:



Rulebook of the organization of student section of the website:

- Pravilnik Studenska Sekcija sajta engleske nastave_nacrt 2021 (SRB)


Minutes of the Student Board meetings are kept in the Student Board archive and are available under request by the Student Board Secretary.



Student parliament




The Student Parliament is the organ of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade which represents all 3 300 students of the Integrated Studies of Medicine (IAS) and students from other programs too.

The Parliament is composed of 40 members elected every two years in the Election for the Student Parliament. The Student Board of English Studies participates in the election of 2 Representatives for ENG Studies by issuing a recommendation of vote for Student Board candidates for the Parliament.

The members of the Parliament elect a President, a Student Vice-Dean, and various delegates and members of Commissions in which students are granted to participate. The Student Parliament, besides representing all students, also actively participates in life at our Faculty through work in its sub-sections like the Center for Science and Research Paper (CSNIRS), the medical journal "Medicinski Pomladak", sports sections, as well as participating in some work of the Faculty’s Commissions, like the one for Quality Improvement, Research, etc.



The Parliament Members can be reached at their office (Head Building, underground at the end of the hall on the left), or by:



President: Filip Mitrovic


Student Vice-Dean:

Members for English Studies:

  • Jelena Bogdanovic,
  • 2nd member