Studies in English

Timetable for General and Digestive surgery sub courses

16th October 2021

Dear students,

Starting from this Monday, October 18th for next six weeks, you will continue your Course in Surgery with General and Digestive surgery sub courses.

Lectures will be published online, with a possibillity for online consultations with a lecturer during the same week, which we will arrange later next week.

For practicals, students are divided into 8 groups accoring to previous Faculty's instructions, with 4-5 students in each group. Practicals start at 08.30h, for which you must gather 15 minutes before (08.15h) at the posterior entrance of the First surgical clinic, Clinical Centre of Serbia, where you will meet Assistant in charge for student assignment for each day.  All students must be equipped with a complete gear for surgery, including the formentioned Covid certificate, masks, lab coats, scrubs and cloggs or dedicated sneakers.

You can find your group assignment here, along with timetable for IX semestar and Instructions for the Course.


See you soon and have a nice weekend!


Prof. Slavko Matić, Course director