Studies in English

Thoracic Surgery Course

23rd November 2023

Dear students,

The course in Thoracic surgery will be held on 28.11. and 04.12.2023 according to previosly established schedule.

Please have in mind that the whole course will take place at the new building of the Clinical Centre od Serbia but sometimes on different floors (practicals -11th floor, lectures - 3rd floor). Due to organizational reasons, on Tuesday 28th November practicals will start at 10.45h, but on Monday 4th December at 13.00h after the theoretical lecture. Theoretical lectures will start at 08.30h on Tuesday 28th and 10.30h on Monday 4th. Responsible teacher for this course is Prof. dr Maja Ercegovac, thoracic surgeon and the Head of the Clinic. More detailed schedule will be posted on this site.

Prof. Miroslav Marković