Studies in English

The Clinical Microbiology course starts on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

28th March 2022

Dear students of  IV academic year,

The Clinical Microbiology course starts on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022. The seminars will be held each Wednesday at 14:30-16:00 (17:00 in the 6th week). Here are general information and rules of the Course:

The Course is composed of 15 seminar classes which will be held in the main classroom on the II floor of Head Building.

The Course is held during seven weeks of VIII (summer) semester on the IV academic year. All information on the Course can be found on the website and Online Study platform (where presentations for all classes are also available).

The allowed number of absences without make-up is one (classes held in one of seven weeks).

Students with more than one absence have to do make-ups. The classes make-ups are done by writing an essay on each lost topic (two to three topics per one lost week of classes) and defending it in front of a professor. To start make-ups, students are required to write an e-mail to course director prof. dr Ivana Lazarevic  to receive instructions.

The students who do not finish make-ups and do not have professor’s signature in the index, will not be allowed to enter the final exam.

The final assessment of  learning outcome is performed by test of 30 multiple choice questions.

The result of the exam is expressed as "passed" or "not passed" (there are no grades).

The test is passed when the score is 16/30 (50% plus 1) or higher.


Kind regards,

Prof. dr Ivana Lazarevic

Course Director