Studies in English

Social medicine - colloquium

29th November 2022

The colloquium will be held at the premises of the Institute of social medicine, dr Subotic str. 15 (Silos) at 8:30 on Friday, December 16, 2022.

The colloquium is organized with the aim to assure your continuous work. The content of the course to which the colloquium is related as a test of knowledge is explained or presented to the students during appropriate classes in the period preceding the colloquium.

The colloquium consists of a test with 20 questions and each question carries 0,5 points. The maximum of points that can be obtained at the colloquium is 10. If the student fails to take the colloquium, he/she will take the exam without previously earned points. If the student fails to take the colloquium for justifiable reasons, the course director will allow him/her to re-take the colloquium.


Prof. Bojana Matejic