Studies in English

Retake of the 8th january

11th January 2024

Dear students,

According to the today's reccommendation given by the Vicedean for the studies in English Prof Dejana Jovanović, in coordination with the School of medicine, the retake of the surgical lectures scheduled for the 8th of January (that was pronounced as non-working day) will be organized on Monday, 15th of January at the Institute Dedinje, starting from 8.00h with the lecture (planned for 8th January) in the amphitheatre of the new building. Practicals will follow the lecture.

I am aware that according to our earlier communication, semestral signatures will be given tomorrow, and the fact that some of foreign students will leave during the weekend. Anyway, the school has the obligation to organize this retake so I appeal to all the students that are able, to attend it.


Prof Marković