Studies in English

Medicine and Society, Part 2

2nd November 2020

Dear colleagues, welcome to Medical Ethics, as a part of the compulsory course Medicine and Society. 

This course consists of three parts: Medical Sociology, Medical Ethics and Social Medicine. The Department of Humanities is in charge of the first two parts of the course, while the Department of Social Medicine is in charge of the third part.

The introductory lecture will open the series of lectures in Medical Ethics, which will last for the next seven weeks. The responsible teachers of this part of the course are assistant professor Danijela Tiosavljević, PhD and assistant professor Vida Jeremić-Stojković, PhD. The seminar activities are led by assistants Smiljana Cvjetković, Master of Psychology, and Pavle Piperac, Master of Neuroethics, MD.

Students are kindly asked to keep to the time slots specified in the timetable when accessing the Moodle platform so as not to overload the server.


Recommended reading for Medical Ethics:

Edge, R., & Groves, J. (2005). Ethics of health care: A guide for clinical practice. Nelson Education.

Momoh, P. (2006). World Medical Association, Medical ethics manual.

Available for online reading at:


Medicina i drustvo – Uvod u medicinsku etiku (Medicine and Society – Introduction to Medical Ethics), author K.Turza, publisher: Libri medicorum, CIBID, Medicinski fakultet (in Serbian).