Studies in English

Information about winter semester exercises make up, classes schedule in January and semester verification signature

27th December 2022

Dear colleagues,

Make-up of exercises for the first semester (winter) in Medical physiology will be held on Friday, January 13th 2023. from 13:00h in classrooms of Institute of Medical physiology. Detailed schedules will be published in a timely manner, after the last exercise in winter semester (January 10th, 2023).

Also, in accordance to detailed schedules of classes, which are published on platform in October, we would like to remind you that the last exercises, lectures and seminars in winter semester will be held on January 9th 2023 (group I) and January 10th 2023 (group II). There are no classes in the week January 2-6th 2023.

Also, on last exercise in January, it is necesarry to bring with yourself indexes and woorkbooks to get Medical physiology course signature for semester verification.


Prof. dr O. Stanojlović