Studies in English

INFECTIOUS DISEASES: General information

29th September 2021

Dear students,

teaching  in Infectious diseases will be slightly different this year compared to other subjects due to the current SARS CoV-2 pandemic.

1. Lectures are held online according to the schedule you have on the site.

2. The seminar is held in the form of oral presentation (slide presentation) with the participation of 3 students  in each seminar - your task is to prepare presentations with slides according to the schedule set on the site. There will be 5 seminars ( 3 in 7th semester and 2 in 8th semester). Students are expected to volunteer for seminars for which they will receive extra points (a total of 15 students). Literature :Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medicine

3. Practicals for infectious diseases will not be held until further notice.

4. It is still not certain whether colloquia will be held, you will be notified later.


Prof. Dr. Milos Korac