Studies in English

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Schedule of classes in Medical physiology in the week 10th-14th January 2022

7th January 2022
The decision of the Dean's Collegium regarding live classes during the next week
During the last week of the winter semester (10-11.01.2022.), classes will be held in all study programs exclusively in online format.
Given the importance and content of the exercise (ECG), practical classes will be held through the Mircrosoft teams platform in the period from 8:00h to 11:00h on Monday (Group IA and IB) and Tuesday (Group IIA and IIB).
Seminars will be held online as live streams through the Microsoft Teams platform, from 14:00-15:30h, as usual on Monday (Group IA and IB) and Tuesday (Group IIA and IIB).
Make up for exercises from the first semester has been postponed, and will be organized during the second semester.
Kind regards,
Prof. dr O. Stanojlović