Studies in English

IMPORTANT information concerning attending the practicals in Surgery

5th October 2020

Dear students,

Once again I have to remind all of you that you have to comply to important epidemiological regulations issued by our Faculty regarding the safety during Clinical practicals.

All students must wear face masks, protective face covers (shields), scrubs (green, white or blue uniforms consisted of blouse and trousers), white (lab) coats, disposable shoe-covers (alternatively clogs or dedicated hospital sneakers or sport shoes) which you HAVE TO ACQUIRE ON YOUR OWN, as teaching hospitals are able to provide only shoe covers. You have to carry your own scrubs and other stuff to the practicals and change into them before practicals start in the dedicated students Locker-room.

I must urge you to check again detailed Instructions for the Course in Surgery I posted here earlier.

Moreover, read the uploaded Consent which you will have to sign prior to your practicals on any Clinical Course.

I have to inform you that students who fail to comply to these regulations can't attend ANY Clinical practicals and therefore shall not be able to finish a Course.


Prof. Slavko Matić,

Course director