Studies in English

Immunology and Microbiology lectures on Friday 7, 2022

6th October 2022

Dear students,

We would like to inform you that the lecture in Immunology in the first week of the course will be held online (due to renovation of the main Classroom in the Head building).  It will start at 14:00, so that you can arrive back home on time after the seminars to attend it online. The link will be provided on this online study platform (moodle). Please note that your attendence will be registered (some points are awarded for the lecture attendance during this course). The lecture in Microbiology will then follow from 15:00 till 16:30 (also online). The lectures in the second week (and afterwards) will be held on site as scheduled (Immunology from 13:00 and Microbiology from 14:00 in the newly renovated main Classroom in the Head building)

Best regards,

Departments of Immunology and Microbiology