Studies in English

Colloquium 10th semester 2022

10th May 2022

Dear students,

At the end of the tenth semester, the colloquium you have to take will be held at GAK Višegradska on Sunday, May 22, 2022, starting at 10 am in the auditorium. You are all obliged to take the colloquium as it is a condition for taking the exam. Please bring masks, as we are still obliged to wear them at the clinic.

The questions will relate to all topics covered during the 9th and 10th semesters. The colloquium will contain 30 questions with multiple answers, of which only one is correct. The points obtained at the colloquium and the points you received at the colloquium during the Delivery Ward stay (Internat) make up 20% of the final grade.

You also need to bring indexes and karton with you, as on that occasion, I will give you signatures for the classes in gynaecology and obstetrics course so that you can certify the semester.

I wish you much success in learning and taking the colloquium.

Best regards

Prof. Kontic