Studies in English

Colloquim in General Surgery and anaesthesiology

22nd November 2021

Dear colleagues,


Just a couple of minutes ago I received the formal decision about the colloquia from the Dean’s office, and the decision is that you will have 2 colloquia in person which do affect your final grade this academic year. 

This week I am attending a meeting abroad, so our best bet would be to prepare for the first colloquium for next week, Tuesday, November 30th at 10.30 AM. At this moment I can’t tell you in which amphitheatre we are going to organize it, and I shall inform you about that later this week.

Your first colloquium will cover Anaesthesiology and General Surgery. You will have a basic MCQ test.


My apologies for this late information which is caused by still ongoing pandemic and the lack of proper instructions from the Dean’s office until today.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for any further concerns,


Best regards,


Prof. Slavko Matić, Course director