Studies in English


7th March 2021

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you that Anatomy Workbooks 2, are printed and ready to be used.

Please, come at the Institute (Administration Office, second floor, room across from mine) and get Yours.

Administration office working hours: Monday and Wednesday from 10:00-13:00.

I kindly ask You to take your copy of Workbook 2 during the next week in order to be ready to follow the labs, and be prepared for seminars.

Seminars are not optional, but MANDATORY, since it is the only way to interact with the profesors.

You are expected to participate in the disscusions during the seminar, and Your activity will accounted for 10% of the final grading.

From the next week Your attendance of seminars will be cheked, but I am sure that You are looking forward to speking with Your lecturers.

I hope You will use the time given wiselly.

Best regards,

Prof. Valentina Blagojević