Studies in English

Clinical Propedeutics

Clinical Propedeutics

The scope of the Clinical Propedeutics course is to provide students with basic knowledge regarding the appropriate skills needed to elicit the symptoms from the patient's problem description and conversation (history taking, patient's interrogation), and the signs by observation and by physical examination. The course is introduction to future clinical courses, and will be guided by experienced clinical teachers.

The purpose of practising medicine is to relieve patient's suffering. In order to achieve this aim, it is important to make a diagnosis. The first step in this process begins the moment doctor reaches the bedside or the patient enters the examination room. The patient's first impressions of a doctor's professional knowledge will have the lasting effect on further patient's management. So during this course students will lear how to approach to questioning and examining a patient. After acquiring these basic tecniques each student/doctor will develop his or her own methods in the subsequent course of Internal medicine.

  • Prof. Mirjana Šumarac Dumanović
  • Prof. Marina Nikolić Đurović 
  • Prof. Katarina Lalić
  • Prof. Sandra Đurđević
  • Prof. Aleksandra Jotić
  • Prof. Đuro Macut
  • Prof. Dragana Miljić
  • Prof. Ljiljana Lukić
  • Prof. Biljana Beleslin
  • Prof. Tamara Milovanović


2016/2017 academic year

(III semester)


Course introduction. Methodology of approaching to the patients.The structure and purposes of health history.

2 hours


Taking a history on sensitive topics. Special problems.

2 hours


An approach to symptoms. General symptoms.

2 hours


Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders. Signs and symptoms of digestive disorders

2 hours


Signs and symptoms of urogenital disorders.

2 hours


Physical examination - approach and  overview.  Metods of examination: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

2 hours


The thorax and lungs: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

2 hours


The cardiovascular system. Inspection and palpation. Auscultation - hearth sounds and murmurs.

2 hours


Peripheral vascular system. The arterial pulses.                         

2 hours


The breasts and axillae.                                                               

2 hours


The abdomen. Inspection. Palpation. Special maneuvers.             

2 hours


The portal hypertension. The anus, rectum and prostate.

2 hours


Male genitalia, female genitalia and hernias.                                

2 hours


The endocrine system. Functional tests in endocrinology.

2 hours


The hematopoetic system. The lymphatics and lymph nodes.

2 hours


The musculosceletal system.  Structure and functions of joints.    

2 hours



75 hours



1.    Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History taking, Lynn Bickley 11th edition

2.    Clinical Examination, 4th edition, by Epstein, Perkin, Cookson et al.


Attendance to the lectures and practicals is obligatory and will be confirmed by professors signatures on the attendance sheet brought by teacher at the beginning of the course. Absence is permitted in less than 10% of lectures and practicals according to the medical study rules. If it is in the range 10-30% it is necessary to have make ups before semester signature is given.

  • Colloquium is a form of the knowledge assessment after the end of the course. It consists of student's practical demonstration of history taking and clinical examination. There is no grading and the mark is descriptive (passed / not passed). The result of colloquium will be recorded in the student's personal card, the index and the electronic database and it is necessary to pass the colloqium before next semester.


Research topics

Course director

Prof. Sandra Đurđević Pekić



Course secretary

Marko Petrović
