Studies in English

Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery Course

Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery Course

Otorhinolaryngology with Maxillofacial Surgery Course (ESPB 6)

The goal of the ENT&MFS course is to train future medical doctors to recognize symptoms of ENT&MF disease and use adequate diagnostic procedures in order to initiate therapeutical procedures. Special emphasis is placed on identifying urgent ENT&MF conditions and the fact that ENT&MF signs and symptoms may reflect other diseases as well. The acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of ENT&MFS would allow medical doctors to apply the in other specialities of medicine.


Professor Nenad Arsović

Associate professor Vladimir Nešić

Associate professor Aleksandar Trivić

Associate professor Sanja Krejović

Associate professor Ljiljana Čvorović, Course Director

Assistant professor Bojan Pavlović

Assistant professor Ana Jotić

Assistant professor Bojana Bukurov

Assistant professor Miljan Folić

Teaching assistant Goran Stojković


Through this course students will become familiar with basic principles and fundamental concepts of otorhinolaryngologycal science and practice:

  1. Study of basic ENT&MF history and specifities of ENT examination.
  2. Etiopathogenetic basis of most common ENT&MF disease.
  3. Incidence, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis and contemporary diagnostic procedures in establishing ENT&MF diagnosis in adults and children.
  4. Contemporary therapy, prevention and prognosis of ENT&MF diseases.

Course Structure

The teaching is organized in Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Clinical Center of Serbia during the 11th semester.
The total number of lessons   90
-      theoretical lectures     30
-      seminars                     10
-      practicals                    50



Introduction in ENT and MFS course.

Applied anatomy and physiology of the ear . Congenital anomalies of the  external, middle and inner ear. Trauma of the external, middle and inner ear. (2 lessons)

Specificity of ORL anamnesis and examination. Examination of the ear. Practical individual training.

(4 lessons)



Acute suppurative infections of the external and middle ear. Chronic suppurative inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. Otogenic complications. (2 lessons)

Presentation of a patient suffering from acute and chronic ear disease. Microscopic examination of the ear. Removal of the ear wax and foreign bodies.

SEMINAR 1: Acute otitis media

(4 lessons)



Otosclerosis. Disorders of the facial nerve function. Tumors of the ear.  (2 lessons)

Investigation of hearing loss.

SEMINAR 2: Mastoiditis and labyrinthitis

(4 lessons)



Disorders of the inner ear (1 lesson) Applied anatomy and physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Congenital anomalies of the nose and sinuses. Injuries of the nose and sinuses. Epistaxis. (1 lesson)

Investigations of the vestibular system and balance.

SEMINAR 3: Otogenic meningitis and intracranial abscesses

(4 lessons)



Acute infection of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Rhinosinusal complications. Allergic manifestations of the upper airways.

Sinonasal polyposis (2 lessons)

Examination of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Practical individual training.  Methods for nasal bleeding control.

(4 lessons)



Deviation and deformation of the nasal septum and pyramid. Surgery of the nasal septum, pyramid and paranasal sinuses. Benign tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Malignant tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses.  (2 lessons)

Removal of foreign bodies from the nasal cavity. Nasal bones reposition.

Endoscopy of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

SEMINAR 4: Rhinosinusitis and orbital complications

(4 lessons)



Applied anatomy and physiology of the pharynx. Acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, adenoids/tonsils. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, adenoids/tonsils. Complications of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, adenoids/

tonsils (2 lessons).

Investigation of respiratory allergy (skin prick – test). Displacement therapy. Aerosol therapy.

SEMINAR 5: Allergic rhinitis

(4 lessons)



Benign tumors of the pharynx. Malignant tumors of the pharynx, tonsills. (1 lesson) Applied anatomy and physiology of the larynx. Congenital cysts and fisutlas of the neck (1 lesson)

Practical examination of patients with ear diseases. Practical examination of patients with nasal and sinusal diseases.

(4 lessons)



Acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Vocal cord paralysis (2 lessons).

Examination of the oral cavity, pharynx and tonsils. Practical training in oropharyngoscopy.

SEMINAR 6: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

(4 lessons)



Tumorlike and premalignant lesions of the larynx.  Benign tumors of the larynx (2 lessons)

Examination of the hypopharynx, larynx and neck. Practical individual training. Directoscopy and laryngomicroscopy.

SEMINAR 7: Differential diagnosis of neck mass

(4 lessons)




Malignant tumors of the larynx. Differential diagnosis of hoarseness (2 lessons)

Basic phoniatrics. Disorders of the voice and speech. Stroboscopy and videostroboscopy.

Practical examination of patients with laryngopharyngeal diseases.

SEMINAR 8: Reflux disease

(4 lessons)



Foreign bodies of the larynx and tracheobronchial tree.Foreign bodies of the esophagus.Injuries of the esophagus (2 lessons)

Tracheotomy, cricothyrotomy, intubation.


Esophagoscopy. Practical examination of patients with laryngopharyngeal diseases.

SEMINAR 9: Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract

(4 lessons)



Congenital anomalies of the oral cavity and face. Trauma of the maxillofacial region. Acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tongue. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tongue (2 lessons)

Presentation of patients with maxillofacial diseases.

Practical examination of the patients. (4 lessons)

SEMINAR 10: Head and neck cancers



Diseases of the salivary glands. Malignant tumors of the facial skin. Malignant tumors of the lips and oral cavity. (2 lessons)

Presentation of patients with maxillofacial diseases.

Practical examination of the patients.

(4 lessons)




“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think.” Teaching evaluation

Recapitulation of the ENT examination.

(4 lessons)



Topics for Research Study:

  1. Prof. Ljiljana Čvorović  - Bacterial resistance in ear swab cultures in chronic otitis media: An overview of resistance mechanisms and their clinical implications
  2. Prof. dr Sanja Krejović  - Vocal cord paralysis
  3. Prof. dr Bojan Pavlović Complications of FESS
  4. Prof. Bojana Bukurov - Efficacy of Epley manevar in treatment of posterior canal BPPV
  5. Prof. Miljan Folić  - The correlation between allergic rhinitis and otitis media with effusion in pediatric population
  6. Prof. Ana Jotić - Elective tracheostomy in difficult airway management
  7. Teaching Assistant Goran Stojković, PhD - Elective neck dissection in T1 N0 oral cancer stage, yes or no

Topics for Graduated Thesis:

  1. Prof. Ljiljana Čvorović - Hearing Loss in Neonates
  2. Prof. dr Sanja Krejović  - Hoarseness
  3. Prof. dr Bojan Pavlović Nonallergic rhinitis
  4. Prof. dr Bojana Bukurov - Tumors of the ear and temporal bone
  5. Prof. dr Miljan Folić  - Nasal physiology
  6. Prof. Ana Jotić - Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in children
  7. Teaching Assistant Goran Stojković, PhD  - Epithelial skin carcinomas

Questions for practicals:

  1. Examination of ear
  2. Tympanometry
  3. Cinical anatomy of ear
  4. Hearing tests
  5. Vestibular tests
  6. Examination of nose and face
  7. Clinical anatomy of nose and paranasal sinuses
  8. Allergy testing
  9. Oropharyngoscopy
  10. Basic anatomy of pharynx
  11. Examination of larynx
  12. Clinical anatomy of larynx
  13. Examination of neck
  14. Clinical anatomy of neck
  15. Endovideostroboscopy and laryngomicroscopy

Recommended literature:

  1. Probst R et al. Basic Otorhinolaryngology. A Step-by-step learining guide. Thieme 2017. or Probst R i sar. Osnovi otorinolaringologije. Vodič za postepeno učenje. Datastatus 2022.
  2. Bull T.R. A colour Atlas of E.N.T Diagnosis. Wolfe Medical Publications Ltd; 2007.


Time for course: VIth year- XI semester

Total Number of teaching lessons 30      Lectures: 5    Practicals:    25

  1. Title of the course: OTOLOGY, Course director: Assoc. Prof. Dr Ljiljana Čvorović

    Aim of the course

    Advanced learning about the etiology, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to diseases of the ear, hearing and vestibular system. Getting to know the basics of middle and inner ear surgery.

    Content of the course:

    Diseases of the External ear. Middle Ear and Temporal Bone Trauma. Middle ear infections and Cholesteatoma. Cranial and intracranial complications of Otitis Media. Otosclerosis. Non-suppurative otitis media. Tympanosclerosis. Ossicular pathology. Ear Surgery. Cochlear pathology: SNHL/Tinnitus. Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease. Genetic Hearing Loss. Ototoxicity. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Presbyacusis. Congenital malformations: Ext/middle/inner ear. Diseases of the Vestibular system. History/Examination/Investigations Nystagmus. Peripheral vestibular pathology.  Facial nerve. Neoplasms of the Ear, Pontocerebellar Angle and Lateral Skull Base.
  2. Title of the course: MODERN PRINCIPLES OF PHONATION AND ARTICULATION, Course director: Assoc. Prof. Dr Sanja Krejović

    Aim of the course

    Advanced learning about the etiology, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to diseases of the voice and speech. Getting to know the basics of phonosurgery.

    Content of the course

    Taking the Voice Specific Patient History. Laryngeal Endoscopy (Rigid, Flexible, Stroboscopy).  Perceptual Voice Evaluation. Acoustic and Aerodynamic Analysis of Voice. Voice Therapy. Phonosurgery.
  3. Title of the course: LARYNGEAL TUMORS, Course director: Assist. Prof. Dr Ana Jotić

    Aim of the course

    Advanced learning about the etiology, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to diseases of the larynx. Getting to know the basics of endoscopic and classic laryngeal surgery.

    Content of the course

    Benign Neoplasms of the Larynx. Premalignant lesion and leukoplakia of the larynx. Malignant neoplasm of the larynx. Microlaryngeal Surgery. Laser Surgery of Larynx. Laryngectomy.

The final MARK from subject Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery is formed as follows:
1.    Regular attendance and active participation         max 10 points
2.    Colloquium 1&2                    max 20 points
3.    Practical exam                      max 20 points
4.    Final test                        max 50 points


91-100 points = 10

81-90 points= 9

71-80 points= 8

61-70 points=7

51-60 points= 6

less than 50= 5

The practical exam must be passed. The final test is organized according to the program study in five sections (otology, rhinology, pharyngology, maxillofacial surgery and laryngology with basic phoniatrics). Each section provides twenty points. To pass the test student has to have at least ten points in each section (single best answer in multiple choice question, multiple answers in multiple choice question and crossing match question), that is 50% of the correct answers.

Final score for final test                                      Points
91-100                                                             50
81-90                                                               40
71-80                                                               30
61-70                                                               20      
50-60                                                               10
< 50                                                                 0

Topics for Research Study:

  1. Prof. Ljiljana Čvorović  - Bacterial resistance in ear swab cultures in chronic otitis media: An overview of resistance mechanisms and their clinical implications
  2. Prof. dr Sanja Krejović  - Vocal cord paralysis
  3. Prof. Bojana Bukurov - Efficacy of Epley manevar in treatment of posterior canal BPPV
  4. Prof. Miljan Folić  - The correlation between allergic rhinitis and otitis media with effusion in pediatric population
  5. Prof. Ana Jotić - Elective tracheostomy in difficult airway management
  6. Teaching Assistant Goran Stojković, PhD - Elective neck dissection in T1 N0 oral cancer stage, yes or no


Course director: Assoc. Prof. dr Ljiljana Čvorović, MD, PhD
Tel. 381 (0)112643694