The scope of the Internal medicine course is to provide students with knowledge concerning specific diseases in all branches i.e. disciplines of internal medicine, theoretical knowledge in various internistic diseases, diagnostic processes, specific clinical features, diferential diagnosis and modern therapy. Also, during practicals student should adopt knowledge in various diseases through approach to the patient, history taking and physical examination. The course is divided into eight parts according to each discipline in internal medicine.
t.b. University Clinical Centre of Serbia Clinic for Allergology
t.b. University Clinical Centre of Serbia Clinic for Pulmonology
t.b. University Clinical Centre of Serbia Clinic for Cardiology
t.b. University Clinical Centre of Serbia Clinic for diabetes, endocrinology & metabolic disorders
t.b. University Clinical Centre of Serbia Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology
t.b. Medical Center «Zemun»
t.b. Medical Center «Zvezdara»
2016/2017 academic year
(V/VI semester)
Theoretical lectures |
Hypersensitivity disorders: Pathophysiology and clinical aspects. |
1 hour |
Allergic rhinitis |
1 hour |
Allergic bronchial asthma. |
1 hour |
Adverse drug reactions. |
1 hour |
Insect bites allergy. Latex allergy. |
2 hours |
Food allergy |
1 hours |
Allergic and systemic vasculitis |
2 hours |
Seminars |
Anaphylaxis |
1 hour |
Allergic rhinitis |
1 hour |
Allergic bronchial asthma |
1 hour |
Adverse drug reactions |
2 hours |
Insect bites allergy. Latex allergy |
1 hour |
Food allergy |
2 hours |
Allergic and systemic vasculitis |
1 hour |
Practicals |
10 hours |
Theoretical lectures |
Pulmonary function tests |
2 hours |
Pneumonia, abscess, pleural effusion, bronchiectasis |
3 hours |
Bronchial asthma |
2 hours |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
2 hours |
Pulmonary fibrosis |
3 hours |
Sarcoidosis |
2 hours |
Lung tuberculosis |
3 hours |
Tuberculosis in immunodefficiency |
1 hour |
Different pulmonary diseases in imunodeficiency tumours |
1 hour |
Chronic respiratory failure,cor pulmonale chronicum |
2 hours |
Bronchial carcinoma. Mediastinal and pleural tumours |
3 hours |
Seminars |
Peak flow measurement |
1 hours |
Pneumonia severity assessment |
1 hour |
Inhalatory treatment |
1 hour |
Differences between asthma and COPD |
1 hour |
The end-stage of pulmonary fibrosis |
1 hour |
Quality of life in Sarcoidosis |
1 hour |
Smoking as a risc factor for lung disease |
1 hour |
Pleural effusions |
1 hour |
TBC prevention in imunodefficiency |
1 hour |
Sleep apnoea syndrome |
1 hour |
Oxygenotherapy |
1 hour |
Lung cancer-end stage of the disease |
1 hour |
Practicals |
25 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Modern diagnostic of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary tract diseases. |
2 hours |
Disorders of the esophagus.Gastritis. |
3 hours |
Peptic ulcer disease. Zollinger-Ellison Sy. Syndromes after gastric surgery. |
3 hours |
Tumors of the stomach, small intestine and large bowel. Malabsorption syndromes. Protein-losing entheropathies. |
3 hours |
Chronic inflammatory disease of the bowel. Diverticular disease. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (non ulcer dyspepsio and irritabile bowel syndrom). |
3 hours |
Acute abdomen. Acute and chronic pancreatitis. Tumors of the pancreas. |
3 hours |
Clinical features of liver disease. Jaundice. Acute hepatitis. Liver damage due to drugs. |
3 hours |
Chronic hepatitis. Liver cirrhosis. Tumors of the liver. |
3 hours |
Biliary calculosis. Cholecystitis. Cholangitis. Tumors of the gallbladder, bile ducts and the ampulary region. |
2 hours |
Seminars |
Modern diagnostics of digestive disorders. |
2 hours |
Peptic ulcer disease- complications. |
2 hours |
Jaundice-differential diagnosis. |
2 hours |
Inflammatory bowel disease. |
2 hours |
Liver cirrhosis. |
2 hours |
Practicals |
42 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Anemia, approach to the patient, diagnostics, hemolytic anemia, approach&diagnostics 2 časa
2 hours |
Akute leukemia, patient workup, diagnostics, management. Hhronic Myeloproliferative disorders, chronic myeloid leukemia. |
2 hours |
Lymphoproliferative disorders (lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, myeloma) diagnostics, management. Hemorrhagic syndromes. |
2 hours |
Practicals |
18 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Heart failure. |
3 hours |
Hypertension. |
2 hours |
Endocarditis. |
1 hour |
Valvular diseases. |
3 hours |
Angina pectoris. Acute coronary syndrome . Acute myocardial infarction. |
3 hours |
Complications of acute myocardial infarcion. Cor pulmonale acutum. Diseases of aorta. |
3 hours |
Arrhythmias. |
3 hours |
Cardiomyopathies. Pericarditis |
3 hours |
Myocarditis. |
1 hour |
Congenital valvular diseases in adults. Pulmonary hypertension. |
2 hours |
AV blocks. |
2 hours |
Manifestations of other organ disorders on CV system |
1 hour |
Seminars |
Heart failure. Endocarditis. |
3 hours |
Valvular diseases. Hypertension. Stable and unstable angina. |
3 hours |
Acute myocardial infarction without ST elevation. Acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation. Cor pulmonale. |
3 hours |
Arrhythmia absoluta. Cardiomyopathies. Pericarditis. |
3 hours |
Syncopa. Ischemic cardiomyopathy. |
4 hours |
Practicals |
37 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Disorders of the pituitary gland. |
3 hours |
Clinical aspects of the neuroendocrine regulation. |
3 hours |
Disorders of the thyroid gland. |
3 hours |
Thyreoiditis, thyroid gland enlargement, and thyroid tumors. |
3 hours |
Endocrine hypertension, Incidentaloma od adrenal glands. |
2 hours |
Disorders of adrenal gland. |
2 hours |
Endocrinology of male and female gonads. |
2 hours |
Diabetes mellitus type 1. Diabetes mellitus type 2. |
2 hours |
Diagnostic procedures for pituitary disorders. |
2 hours |
Special types of thyroid gland disturbances. |
2 hours |
Dynamic tests and vizualization methods for diagnosis of suprarenal gland disorders. |
2 hours |
Fertility- investigation methods. |
2 hours |
Metabolic bone disorders. |
2 hours |
Eating disorders, (anorexia nervosa and obesity). |
2 hours |
Lipidology. |
2 hours |
Diabetes mellitus, acute and chronic complications. |
3 hours |
Practicals |
35 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Introduction and classification of rheumatic diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis. |
2 hours |
Metabolic joint diseases: gout, other metabolic arthropathies. |
1 hour |
Spondyloarthropathies. Common characteristics of spondyloarthropathies (SPA). Classification of SPA - ESSG criteria. Ankylosing spondylitis. Psoriatic arthritis. Reactive arthritis. Entheropatic arthropaties. |
3 hours |
Systemic lupus erythematosus. Systemic sclerosis; Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies; Systemic vasculitis |
3 hours |
Osteoarthritis. Cervical and lumbal syndrome. Extraarticular rheumatism. |
3 hours |
Seminars |
Early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Joint characteristics in early and late stage of RA |
1 hour |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: clinical characteristics. Autoantibodies - importance for diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. |
1 hour |
Acute arthritis. Infectious- Postinfectious- Rheumatic fever - Metabolic arthritis. 1 hour |
Arthrosis vs. arthritis. |
1 hour |
Practicals |
14 hours |
Theoretical leactures |
Renal function tests. Chronic renal failure, definition, pathogenesis, complications. |
4 hours |
Urinary tract infections. Tubulointerstitial nephritis. Glomerular diseases, nephritic sy. |
4 hours |
Acute renal failure. Hypertension. Vascular kidney diseases. |
4 hours |
Seminars |
Kidney function test. Tubular function, proteinuria. |
2 hours |
Haemorrhagic fever. Hepatorenal sy. Dialysis. |
2 hours |
Kidney transplantation. Eclampsio. |
2 hours |
Practicals |
14 hours |
Attendance to the lectures and practicals is obligatory and will be confirmed by professors signatures on the attendance sheet brought by teacher at the beginning of the course. Absence is permitted in less than 10% of lectures and practicals according to the medical study rules. If it is in the range 10-30% it is necessary to have make ups before semester signature is given.
Final grade in Internal medicine is based on four criteria:
1. Attendance to the lectures and practicals is obligatory and will be confirmed by professors signatures on the attendance sheet brought by teacher at the beginning of the course.
2. Results (grade) on four colloquia.
3. Practical exam grade (positive grade is obligatory for main part of the exam- final test).
4. Grade on the final test.
Regular lecture attendance has important influence on final grade (can decrease or increase the previous grade given on the final test). Possible number of points:
- 6 points- regular attendance of lectures and practicals (confirmed by professors signature on the attendance sheet)
- 3 points- (if there were necessary make ups i.e. compensations)
- 0 points-(if there were no make ups for missed lectures).
Colloquia are organized after lectures from two internal medicine disciplines are finished. The student must have all colloquia as a prerequisite for final exam. Each colloquium has 30 questions and comprises questions from 2 disciplines of internal medicine: COLOQUIUM 1 from pulmology and alergology, COLOQIUM 2 from gastroenterology/hepatology and hematology, COLOQIUM 3 from cardiology and rheumatology, COLOQIUM 4 from endocrinology and nephrology. Grades from all colloquia maximally can bring 24 points, and grading scale is bellow.
-GRADE 6 - 2 points
-GRADE 7- 3 points
-GRADE 8 -4 points
-GRADE 9 - 5 points
-GRADE 10 - 6 points.
So final number of points together with grades earned on practical exam and final test, influences final grade according to the table given bellow.
Grade on practical exam and final test |
Number of points acquired through colloquium and lectures attendance |
Final grade |
6 (six) |
0 - 11 points 12-23 points 24-30 points |
6 (six) 6 (six) 7 (seven) |
7 (seven) |
0 - 11 points 12-23 points 24-30 points |
6 (six) 7 (seven) 8 (eight |
8 (eight) |
0 - 11 points 12-23 points 24-30 points |
7 (seven) 8 (eight) 9 (nine) |
9 (nine) |
0 - 11 points 12-23 points 24-30 points |
8 (eight) 9 (nine) 10 (ten) |
10 (ten) |
0 - 11 points 12-23 points 24-30 points |
8 (eight) 9 (nine) 10 (ten) |
Research topics
Course director
Prof. dr Tamara Milovanović
Course secretary
Marko Petrović