Studies in English

Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

I Synopsis

Course is performed in VII and VIII semester

VII (winter) semester: 20 lectures and  25  practicals, 3 seminars +1 colloquium;

Duration of lectures - 45 minutes

Duration of practicals -45 minutes

Duration of seminars- 45 minutes

VIII (summer) semester: 20 lectures and 25 practicals, 2 seminars +2 colloquium

Duration of lectures -45 minutes

Duration of practicals - 45 minutes

Duration of seminars- 45 minutes 

Elective course could be organized in winter and/or summer semester

Total number of classes

Lectures: 40 classes

Practicals: 50 classes

Seminars: 5 classes

Total: 95 classes

Course is organized through lectures, practicals, elective classes and seminars. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the most common infectious diseases, their clinical presentation, current diagnostic procedures, modern therapies and prevention principles The theoretical part of the course aims at providing physician with basic information useful for everyday work with patients, establishing the diagnosis and performing adequate treatment. The practical part of the course is directed towards mastering internal and neurological examination, quality data collection (particularly epidemiological data), creating diagnostic algorithms, analysis of conducted laboratory tests and performing examinations with the purpose of differential diagnostic analysis and making optimal therapeutic decisions.



Lectures VII semester 2024/2025

2 Oct


1.Introduction to infectious diseases

2.Principles of diagnosis, treatment and immunization

9 Oct


1.Approach to the acutely ill infected febrile patient

16 Oct


1.Streptococcal infections

23 Oct


1.Staphylococcal infections

30 Oct



1.Respiratory infections


6 Nov


1. Septicemia                 

 2.Septic shock

13 Nov


1.Fungal infections

2.Anaerobic infections

20 Nov


1.Gastrointestinal infections I

2.Gastrointestinal infections II


27 Nov


1.Infections acquired in a health care facilities

4 Dec


1.HSV infection,  Infectious mononucleosis and CMV  

11 Dec


1.Variola, measles, rubella     

18 Dec


1.Chickenpox, 5th and 6th disease

25 Dec



8 Jan


1. Infections in pregnancy                                               

15 Jan


 1.Sexually transmitted infections


Lectures VIII semester 2024/2025

19 Feb


1.Approach to the patient with liver disease

 2.Acute viral hepatitis

26 Feb


 1.Chronic hepatitis B

 2.Chronic hepatitis C

 5 Mar


1.CNS infections introduction

 2.Viral meningitis and encephalitis

12 Mar


1.Bacterial meningitis

2.TB meningitis

19 Mar


1. HIV infection: Introduction


26 Mar


1.Enteroviral infections

2.Rickettial infections                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

2 Apr


 1. Spirochetal diseases                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


9 Apr




16 Apr


 1.Protozoal infections: malaria


23 Apr


1.Protozoal infections: toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis 

30 Apr


1.Haemorrhagic fevers


7 May



14 May


1.Helminthic infections I


21 May


1. Helminthic infections II






Prof. Miloš Korać, MD, PhD- course director

Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Poluga, MD, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Goran Stevanović, MD, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Jovan Ranin, MD, PhD

Assoc. Prof . Ivana Milošević, MD,PhD

Asst. Nataša Nikolić, MD,PhD

Asst. Nikola Mitrović, MD,PhD

Asst. Jelena Jordović, MD,PHD

Asst. Jovan Malinić, MD

Asst. Uroš Karić, MD

Asst. Aleksandra Barać,MD,PhD

Asst. Boris Jegorović, MD

Asst. Ankica Vujović,MD,PhD



Winter semester

1. Introduction to infectious diseases -principles of diagnosis, therapy and


2. Streptococcal infections

3. Immunization principles and vaccine use

4. Staphylococcal infections

5. Aproach to the acutelly ill infected febrile patient

6. Gastrointestinal infections I (food poisoning, dysentery, Clostridium diff. infection)

7. Gastrointestinal infections II (typhoid fever, salmonelloses, cholera)

8. Respiratory viral infections, influenza

9. Pneumonia

10. Septicemia

11. Septic shock

12. Infections acquired in a health care facilities

13. Variola, measles, rubella

14. Infectious mononucleosis, CMV infection, HSV infections

15. Chickenpox, 5th and 6th disease

16. Zoonoses

17. Infections in pregnancy

18. Sexually transmitted infections

19. Anaerobic infections

20. Fungal infections


Summer semester

1. Approach to the patient with liver disease

2. Acute viral hepatitis

3. Chronic hepatitis B

4. Chronic hepatitis C

5. Introduction: Infections of CNS

6. Viral meningitis and Encephalitis

7. Bacterial meningitis

8. TB meningitis

10. Rickettial infections

11. Enteroviral infections

12. HIV infection

13. AIDS

14. Spirochetal diseases

15. Borreliosis

16. Protozoal infections malaria

17. Protozoal infections toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis

18.Hemorrhagic fever

19. Bioterrorism

20. Helminthic infections







Practical course part is organized at different hospital ward each week,so that during the semester students have the opportunity to visit all wards at least twice. Due to the seasonal nature of some infectious diseases, students will be presented with interesting cases regardless of the schedule. For the same reason, type of patients on some wards varies considerably, so that students can encounter very different and / or rare infectious disease.


Introductory classes

1. Medical history (demonstration of the patient with infectious disease -case report)

2. The condition of the patient with infectious disease (demonstration with case report)

3. Outpatient department:

  • getting acquainted with organization of outpatient department work,
  • history taking and examination of 2-3 patients, taking basic laboratory tests
  • writing outpatient department report
  • getting acquainted with basic principles of prevention and specific prophylaxis
  • getting acquainted with invasive diagnostic procedures (gastroduodenoscopy,

liver biopsy, laparascopy, colonoscopy... )

4. Intensive care

  • Acute viral encfalitis
  • medical history  (conscious patients) and condition of severe patients (special emphasis on neurological finding)
  • diagnosis:lumbal punction, liquor test, CT, MR analysis , analysis of serous results...
  • therapy: measures of intensive treatment
  • acute bacterial meningoencefalitis (history taking, state, differential diagnostics, therapy ...)
  • sepsis-history taking, physical finding, diagnostics, diferential diagnostics,
  • critically ill vague patients
  • therapeutical approach

5. Department of CNS infections

  • bacterial (piogenic or TB) meningitis, viral meningitis (history taking,risk factors, state -emphasis on neurological finding )
  • diagnosis (lumbal punction, interpretation of results)
  • therapeutical procedures

6. Unclear febrile conditions

  • medical history, epidemiological characteristics, approach to unclear febrile condition -state, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory results and examinations -therapeutically procedures

7. Center for HIV and AIDS

  • medical history and physical examination
  • diagnosis, differential diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory findings and performed examinations
  • therapeutically approach

8. Department of gastrointestinal infections

  • medical history and physical examination
  • diagnosis, differential diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory findings and performed examinations
  • therapeutically approach

9. Department of hepatitis

  • medical history, physical examination
  • basic diagnostic principles, differential diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory findings and performed examinations
  • therapeutically approach



Schedule of colloquia:

I colloquium- November

II colloquium - April

III colloquium -May

Schedule of Seminars :

1. Fever of unknown origin

2. Lymphadenopathy in infectious diseases

3. Fever and rash

4. Infective andocarditis

5. Infections in trasnplant recipients







Getting points and obtaining final grade

1.    Points for passive and active participation on practicals, seminars and lectures

-        All...................10

Practicals 3

Lectures 3

Seminar passive participation 2, active participation 4


2.    Colloquiums    

Maximum number of points for  colloquiums  is 20.

Everything else is recalculated by proportion, regardless of whether the student answered 50% of the questions correctly or less.

Missed colloquium is 0 points


3.     Practical exam

During the practical exam,  teacher is getting insight into student's knowledge and skills in infectious diseases. Practical exam consists of :

1.    complete history of illness

2.    complete examination including rough neurological examination and meningeal signs

3.    presentation of the patient to examiner

Maximum number of points for the practical exam is 10. A passing grade ( 6 ) is required to proceed to
the final test, making it an elimination requirement.














4. Final Test

Maximum number of points for the final test  is 60.

A final test  must be passed with a passing grade (the student has >50% correct answers).



5.Final grade


Final grade  is composed from the points obtained on colloquiums, practical exam and final  test including activity, and is derived from total points as follows.





















1. General characteristics of infectious syndrome

2. Angina syndrom

3. Meningeal syndrome

4. Lumbal punction and liquor exam

5. Rash in infectious diseases

6. Acute diarrhoeal syndrome in infectious diseases

7. Chronic diarrhoeal syndrome in infectious diseases

8. Icterus in infectious disseases

9. Lymphadenopathy in infectious diseases

10. Clinical diagnostics of infectious diseases

11. Biochemical and hematologaical diagnostics of infectious diseases

A Guide t 44 o Studies in English - 1st year

12. Bacteriological diagnostics of infectious diseases

13. Diagnostics of parasite infections

14. Diagnostics of viral infections

15. Principles of antimicrobial therapy of infectious diseases

16. Passive and active protection from infectious diseases



17. Etiology and pathogenesis of bacterial meningitis

18. Clinical picture of bacterial meningitis

19. Liquor finding in bacterial meningitis

20. Therapy of bacterial meningitis

21. Meningococcal meningitis

22. Meniingococcal disease

23. Pneumococcal meningitis

24. Meningitis induced by Hemofilus influence type b

25. Antibiotic therapy and prophylaxis of bacterial meningitis

26. Focal bacterial infections of endocranium

27. TB meningitis

28. Differential diagnosis of bacterial meningitis

29. Complications of bacterial meningitis

30. Etiology and clinical picture of viral meningitis

31. Liquor finding in viral meningitis

32. Acute viral encephalitis

33. Clinical picture and complications of acute viral encephalitis

34. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of acute viral encephalitis

35. Rabies

36. Slow viral infections

37. Bacterial pharyngitis

38. Diphtheria

39. Differential diagnosis of pharyngitis

40. Pertussis

41. Pneumonia, Legionnaires' disease

42. Psittacosis

43. Influenza

44. Etiology and clinical picture of respiratory viral infections

45. Mumps infection

46. Clinical picture and complications of mumps infection

47. Colera

48. Traveller's diarrhoea

49. Viral infections of digestive system

50. Food intoxication - alimentary intoxication

51. Fungus intoxication

52. Helicobacteriosis

53. Campylobacteriosis

54. Yersiniosis

55. Infections of digestive system caused by E.coli

56. Amoebic dysentery

57. Bacillary dysentery

58. Salmonellosis

59. Typhoid and paratyphoid

60. Lambliasis

61. The principles of treatment of acute infectious diarrheal syndrome

62. Etiology and epidemiology of viral hepatitis

63. The clinical features of acute viral hepatitis

64. Atypical forms of acute viral hepatitis

65. Fulminant hepatitis

66. Laboratory diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis

67. Differential diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis

68. Complications and consequences of acute viral hepatitis

69. Prevention of Viral Hepatitis

70. Scarlatina

71. Complications of scarlet fever

72. Treatment and prevention of scarlet fever

73. Erysipelas

74. Treatment and prevention of erysipelas

75. Blain, carbuncle, and malignant staphylococcia of face

76. Staphylococcal and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome

77. Necrotizing fasciitis

78. Measles

79. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of measles

80. Complications of measles

81. Rubella

82. Complications of rubella

83. Variola

84. Differential diagnosis of rash fever

85. Sepsis

86. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock

87. The treatment of sepsis and septic shock

88. The clinical picture and treatment of meningococcal sepsis

89. Diagnosis of HIV infection

90. Pulmonary manifestations of AIDS

91. Gastrointestinal manifestations of AIDS

A Guide t 46 o Studies in English - 1st year

92. Neurological manifestations of AIDS

93. The principles of treatment of HIV disease

94. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of acute retroviral diseases

95. Varicella - herpes zoster

96. Complications of chickenpox

97. Herpes simplex

98. Cytomegalovirus

99. Infectious mononucleosis

100. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis

101. Enteroviral infection

102. Poliomyelitis

103. Listeriosis

104. Undulant fever

105. Tularemia

106. Plague

107. Anthrax

108. Leprosy

109. Actinomycosis

110. Tetanus

111. Clinical picture and treatment of tetanus

112. Complications of tetanus

113. Anti-tetanus protection

114. Botulism

115. Gas gangrene

116. Toxoplasmosis

117. Malaria

118. Diagnosis and treatment of malaria

119. Malaria chemoprophylaxis

120. Kala-azar

121. Teniasis and cysticercosis

122. Echinococcosis

123. Trihinelosis

124. Intestinal parasitosis

125. Leptospirosis

126. Weil's disease

127. Recurrent fever

128. Borreliosis - Lyme disease

129. Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease

130. Spotted typhus and Brill-Zinsser disease

131. Q fever

132. Viral hemorrhagic fever

133. Nosocomial infections

134. Infections in pregnancy

135. Treatment of snakebite

136. Biological warfare and bioterrorism





1. Infectious diseases in: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition. Eds. Dan L. Longo, MD, Dennis L. Kasper, MD, J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, Anthony S.

Fauci, MD, Stephen L. Hauser, MD, Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD.

by Mc-Graw-Hill Professional 2015.

2. Harrison's Principles of  Self-assessment and board review, 18th Edition.

 Eds. Dan L. Longo, MD,  Dennis L. Kasper, MD,  J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD,  

 Anthony S. Fauci, MD,  Stephen L. Hauser, MD,  Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD.

 by Mc Graw-Hill Professional 2012.


    Nash, Robert G. Dalziel, J. Ross Fitzgerald. by Elsevier 2015

4. Infektivne bolesti, udžbenik za studente medicine. Urednici prof dr

Milena Božić, prof dr Ljubiša Dokić, prof dr Svetlana Nikolić, prof dr Milorad

Pavlović, prof dr Milan Šašić. Beograd, Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu, 2013



Research topics

Department of Infectious diseases

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine

Address: Bulevar oslobođenja 16, 11000 Beograd

Phone: +381 66 8300 696


Course director  Prof. dr Miloš Korać Phone: +381112683366/4355