Studies in English

Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry Course


Course Objectives

Clinical Biochemistry is highly relevant to a medical student throughout the whole training period, since it is integrated into systems-based teaching at all levels of the medical curriculum. The main goal of the Clinical Biochemistry Course is to:

  • bring a wealth of information on the biochemical basis of various diseases, the selection of biochemical diagnostic tests and their interpretation,
  • capacitate students for understanding sample handling, as well as, analytical and biological factors which can affect test results in health and disease, and how these relate to the concept of a test reference range,
  • enable understanding of the importance of biochemical measurements in disease diagnosis, monitoring and treating complications,
  • bring practical recommendations and laboratory diagnostic algorithms for interpretation of biochemical test results,
  • enable students to correctly interpret the results of biochemical tests in accordance with the relevant human pathology.

Course outcome

To enable understanding of the importance of biochemical measurements in disease diagnosis, monitoring and treatment complications, and to bring practical recommendations and laboratory diagnostic algorithms for interpretation of biochemical test results. Finishing the Course, the student should understand and know to choose and interpret results of:

  • basic and comprehensive metabolic panel in health and disease
  • complete blood analysis in health and disease
  • electrolytes and blood gasses in acid-base disorders
  • tests to assess inflammation; myocardial function and infarction; kidney, liver and pancreatic function; bone and muscle function; various endocrine glands function
  • pregnancy and prenatal screening
  • blood analysis and metabolic panel in a specific population of people (children and  elderly )
  • tumor marker assessment

Members of the Department:

Tatjana Simić, MD, PhD; full professor

Nataša Petronijević, MD, PhD; full professor

Ivanka Marković, MD, PhD; full professor

Aleksandra J. Isaković,MD, PhD; full professor

Ana Savić-Radojević, MD, PhD; full professor

Marija Plješa Ercegovac, MD, PhD; full professor

Marija Matić, MD, PhD; full professor

Sonja Misirlić Denčić, MD, PhD; associate professor

Željka Stanojević, MD, PhD; associate professor

Tatjana Đukić, MD, PhD; associate professor

Tatjana Nikolić, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Vesna Ćorić, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Milica Velimirović Bogosavljević, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Anđelka Isaković, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Tihomir Stojković, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Sašenka Vidičević Novaković, MD, PhD; assistant professor

Đurđa Jerotić, MD, PhD; teaching assistant

Marija Jeremić, MD; teaching assistant

Janko Zeković, MD, teaching assistant

Milica Živković, MD

Sanja Blagojević,  MD

Tamara Stanisavljević, MD

Course organization

Clinical Biochemistry Course is organized in the hybrid form through 15 online lectures (each accompanied by a formative test with multiple choice questions) on interactive online platform on Belgrade University Medical Faculty official site. Practical classes are organized in the form of 15 interactive clinical-case solving classes which are supervised by the teachers.

The Course is organized during 9 weeks in VII semester. It starts with the opening of two online lectures. Next week two clinical cases corresponding to online lectures from the previous week are covered on practical classes. During the same week, two new lectures are available on the platform. Every week to come, two clinical cases are discussed on practical classes and two new lectures are opened for learning.

Each online lecture is followed by a multiple-choice test. The 10 question-test is considered passed only if it has ≥ 6 correct answers. Lectures are available for learning during the whole ongoing academic year. On the other hand, tests are available only within the week when a certain lecture is scheduled. Student may skip/ not pass the test ( ≤ 5 correct answers) one lecture without compensation.

For practical classes students are divided into groups. Students are advised to be prepared for the practical classes so that they can participate in discussions and interpretation of laboratory parameters. Student may skip one practical without compensation.

Course structure

Lectures 2024/2025




L1. Requesting and interpreting tests: reference intervals of basic biochemical analysis

L2. Standard hematological parameters


L3. Water and electrolyte balance. Acid-base disorders

L4. Trauma, inflammation, immunity


L5. Cardiovascular disorders

L6. Renal disease


L7. Liver disease

L8. Gastrointestinal disorders


L9. Bone and muscle diseases

L10. Endocrine control and dynamic function tests. Diabetes mellitus


L11. Pituitary function. Thyroid pathophysiology

L12. Adrenocortical pathophysiology


L13. Gonadal function. Pregnancy and prenatal screening

L14 Tumor markers


L15. Clinical biochemistry in pediatrics and the elderly


Practical classes (C1-C15) 2024/2025


Dates, Tuesdays

Clinical case analysis

Group A

Group B

Group C


C1. Interpretation of biochemical parameters in physically active persons

C2. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - hemolytic anemia




15.30-16.15 (C2)



15.30-16.15 (C1)




C3. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient – Diabetes Incipidus

C4. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - rheumatoid arthritis

15.30-16.15 (C3)


16.15-17.00 (C4)

15.30-16.15 (C4)


16.15-17.00 (C3)


16.15-17.00 (C4)





C5. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - acute myocardial infarction

C6. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - chronic kidney failure



16.15-17.00 (C6)



16.15-17.00 (C5)



16.15-17.00 (C6)


C7. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of a patient - toxic hepatitis

C8. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - functional disorders of the pancreas

15.30-16.15 (C7)




15.30-16.15 (C8)






17.15-18.00 (C8)



C9. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - secondary hyperparathyroidism

C10. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - Diabetes Mellitus




16.15-17.00 (C10)




16.15-17.00 (C9)

15.30-16.15 (C9)



16.15-17.00 (C10)


C11. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - Hashimoto's thyroiditis

C12. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - Cushing's syndrome




16.15-17.00 (C12)




16.15-17.00 (C11)




18.00-18.45 (C12)


C13. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient – preeclampsia

C14. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient - breast cancer

15.30-16.15 (C13)


16.15-17.00 (C14)

15.30-16.15 (C14)


16.15-17.00 (C13)

15.30-16.15 (C14)


16.15-17.00 (C13)


C15. Laboratory diagnostics and presentation of the patient with enzymopathy

15.30-16.15 (C15)


16.15-17.00 (C15)


17.15-18.00 (C15)


Grading policy

Final exam is in the form of written exam. Final test  has 10 questions (8 multiple choice questions and 2  fill in the blanks questions) regarding interpretation of two clinical cases with laboratory results. The exam is considered passed if it has ≥ 6 of correct answers. The result is expressed as passed/not passed.

Research topics


Sonja Misirlić Denčić, MD, PhD; full professor
