Studies in English

ICT Use in Medicine

ICT Use in Medicine

About the Course

Study Programme: Studies in Medicine
Course Title: Information and Communication Technology Use in Medicine
Course Director: Professor dr Nataša Milić
Course status: Obligatory
Course ESPB: 2
Prerequest: no


The object of this course is to get students acquainted with certain aspects of computer literacy. Achieving that goal through getting familiar with modern methods and techniques in information and communication technologies that are being used in students’ way of study. The aim of these classes is that students apart from gaining certain knowledge and skill also become prominent in continuous studying, modern communication and presentation of their own work.


Mastering the knowledge and skills of using information and communication technologies in the process of finding, storing, creating and using electronic materials for learning purposes, and the use and evaluation of information and knowledge in medical practice. The knowledge gained during the course enables the medical student to effectively use modern information and communication technologies in their learning process. The acquired knowledge and skills are used in all medical disciplines during and after graduation.