Dear students,
As you may already know by now, according to the decision of the Coordination body for studies in English, from this school year, the summer clinical (surgical) internship is obligatory for English students as well as it is for Serbian.
That means that you will have to spend 10 working days at the surgical ward, around 5 hours a day (six lectures). After consultation with your representatives we have agreed that the term between 3rd-14th of July is acceptable for the vast majority of students. To achieve this, I created 7 groups, very similar to practicals, that would be allocated to 6 different teaching surgical bases, all in the vicinity of Clinical center of Serbia. You can find the groups on this site.
However, as some students already arranged their internship abroad, there is possibility to recognize it by our Faculty under the following conditions: 1) The internship should last at least 10 working days like here (but does not to be strictly surgical ward), and 2) the written certificate must be obtained, on hospital’s memorandum and should be signed by senior doctor or chief of the department/hospital. At this moment I do not know which and how many students will do their internship abroad, therefore I included all students in the schedule.
One of the main points of this internship would be to teach you basic surgical sewing skills, for which I already informed your lecturers.
In the case of any kind of problems, be free to contact me.
With best wishes
Professor Miroslav Marković, the course director