Studies in English

PhD Studies


Third-degree studies are doctoral academic studies or PhD studies, which last three school years (180 ECTS) and prepare PhD candidates for:

  • competent conduction of independent scientific research and studies in the relevant field;
  • critical analysis of scientific and medical literature, defining scientific problems and solving them, writing a scientific project, organizing the work of a research group and managing a scientific project, as well as presenting scientific results at scientific meetings and in scientific journals;
  • career continuation at universities, research institutes, and other specialized institutions that require to implement and apply the results of various types of research.

Classes are organized as regular and compulsory, and PhD candidates are obliged to attend classes regularly with active participation. A candidate can be excused from classes for a maximum of 10% of the total number of classes.

The first semester encompasses the following compulsory courses:

  1. Methodology of the scientific research (4 ECTS),
  2. Biotatistics (basic course) (4 ECTS)
  3. Informatics for researchers in the field of biomedical sciences (1 ECTS),
  4. Research ethics (1 ECTS).

In addition, candidates whose research and doctoral dissertation involve work with laboratory animals are required to take and pass the course Introduction to laboratory animal science.

The second semester involves specific compulsory subjects depending on the PhD module that the student enrolled in.

The third semester involves elective courses (from a number of elective courses offered, each candidate chooses one course according to own preference). The choice of courses that the candidate will take is made at the appropriate Department. Each course ends with passing an exam, which gives the PhD candidate ECTS provided for that course.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth semesters are intended for conducting scientific research work.

Within each course, teaching is carried out through lectures and seminars. In the first semester, classes are mostly held in the afternoon, and in the second and third semesters, some study programs are implemented in the morning.

Exams in the courses taken in the first semester must be taken before taking the exams in the courses taken in the second semester.

Exams in the courses that are taken in the second and third semesters, after fulfilling all necessary requirements, are taken in front of the appropriate course director.

The PhD candidate may submit the topic proposal of the doctoral dissertation to the Advisory Board of the PhD module where the candidate is enrolled after completing 30 ECTS (Instructions and questionnaire for submitting the topic and mentor can be found on the Faculty's website).

The doctoral dissertation is publicly defended in front of the Assessment Committee appointed by the Academic Council in accordance with the prescribed procedure.

The school year lasts from October 1 to September 30. Verification is done per year, not per semester.

During the winter and summer holidays, there are no exams or public defenses.

The maximum number of years allowed for realization of PhD studies is in accordance with the relevant Law. If a candidate does not complete all the obligations stipulated in the plan and program of doctoral studies within three school years, they must renew their enrollment in the following school year with the payment of renewal costs, in order to have the right to complete the studies and maintain the status of a PhD candidate until the defense of the doctoral dissertation.


  1. Molecular medicine
  2. Tumor biology and oxidative diseases
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Physiological sciences
  5. Neuroscience
  6. Medical pharmacology
  7. Microbes and infection
  8. Pathologic basis of disease
  9. Public health
  10. Biomedical informatics
  11. Environmental and nutritional factors and health
  12. Applied research in medicine, sport and motor skills
  13. Skeletal biology
  14. Biophysical research in medicine
  15. Cognitive neuroscience
  16. Endocrinology
  17. Contemporary research in cardiovascular medicine
  18. Neurology
  19. Pulmonology
  20. Nephrology
  21. Radiology and nuclear medicine
  22. Research in rehabilitation
  23. Inflammation and autoimmunity
  24. Human reproduction, perinatology and neonatology
  25. Gynecology and gynecological oncology
  26. Fetal programming and prenatal prevention of adult life diseases
  27. Personalized therapy of hematological diseases
  28. Reconstructive surgery
  29. Research of psychopathological phenomena and disorders