Studies in English

Pathophysiology exam in July exam term 2024

28th June 2024

Dear students,

the exam in Pathophysiology in July exam term will be held on Friday 12.07.2024.

The practical exam starts at 09:00 in the Pathophysiology classroom “B” (where you had labs), Pathology building, Dr Subotica 1, second floor. Please bring lab coats !!

The final test starts at 11:30 and is also held in the Pathophysiology classroom “B”, Pathology building, Dr Subotica 1, second floor.

Please remember to bring an identifying document with a photo and a white exam application (“ispitna prijava”) to the exam.

Finally, let me remind you that use of any electronic devices or other aids during the exam is strictly forbidden and will be sanctioned.

Kind regards and best wishes for the exam,

Prof. Lopicic