Studies in English


28th November 2020

Dear students,

The Vice-Dean and the Coordination Board of the Studies in English language would like to inform you as follows:

On 27th of November The Teaching Council of the Faculty of Medicine, following the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, Rectorate of University of Belgrade and the Dean's Board, brought the decision of full implementation of online teaching classes from Monday 30th, including practical classes, due to the critical epidemiological situation in Belgrade.

If the practicals cannot be conducted  online due to the nature of the course itself, these practicals will be conducted later in usual form, in direct communication, by the end of the semester. The Course Director is responsible for this decision.

Colloquia will not be conducted in any form, direct or online. Grading policy for each subject will change accordingly. Individual subjects may still organize informal knowledge assessment similar to the colloquia in order to evaluate your progress and help you prepare for the exam.

Since the grading policy change is within authority of Course Directors and at their discretion, for all further information regarding these matters please consult them directly.


Prof. dr Biljana Mihaljevic, the Vice-Dean

The Coordination Board