Studies in English

Biophysics in Medicine

Biophysics in Medicine

Biophysics in Medicine comprises:

1) Biophysics in Medical Physiology (16 h) and

2) Biophysics in Medical Biochemistry (4 h).

Welcome to Biophysics in Medical Physiology!


Lectures will be held on line and available at the Biophysics in Medicine/Biophysics in Medical Physiology course platform. New lecture will be made available every Monday at 11:00 hours during two weeks of the course.


Exercises will be held in person at the Institute of Biophysics in medicine (Sala I and Sala II) according to the Biophysics in Medical Physiology schedule (Groups formed October 1st, 2021 are temporary!). Attendance on exercises is compulsory.


Groups 1 and Group 2 on Monday (04.10.2021. and 11.10.2021.)

Third Year