Studies in English

Human Genetics

Human Genetics

The aim of the human genetics teaching is to provide students with basic knowledge of the inheritance and variability in humans in the light of current developments in this field.  Also, during this course, students will learn through an interdisciplinary approach, how to monitor the healthy and the sick and how to use the acquired knowledge in all medical disciplines during the studies.


Prof. Suzana Cvjetićanina , Course director

Prof. Vera Bunjevački

Prof.Tatjana Damnjanović      

Prof Biljana Jekić

Prof. Momčilo Ristanović

Assoc. Prof. Nela Maksimović 

Ass. Prof. Dijana Perović

              Ass. Prof. Milka Grk

              Ass. Prof. Marija Dušanović Pjević


 Milica Pešić

               Ana Đuranović

               Milica Rašić

               Nataša Stojanovski



Lectures: 15 weeks x 2 classes
Laboratory practice: 15 x 3
Seminars: 5 x 2



Course materials:

  • Genetics in Medicine, Thompson&Thompson, Sixth Ed.
  • Human Genetics , Lab workbook. School of Medicine University of Belgrade
  • The students receive a CD (that includes presentations and texts) with the  lab workbook.



 1. The structure of genetic material. Human genome

 2. Genetics of reproduction 

 3. DNA replication 

 4. Transcription and translation 

 5. Variation in chromosome number

 6. Variation in chromosome structure 

 7. Monogenic and polygenic inheritance   

 8. Gene mutations    

 9. Regulation of gene expression  

10. DNA repair mechanisms and recombinations    

11. Recombinant DNA technology

12. Population genetics

13. Sex determination and differentiation

14. Genetics of cancer

15. Genetic control of the immune response



1.  Karyotype, mitosis, meiosis, gametogenesis  

2.  Chromosomal aberrations                     

3.  Monogenic inheritance

4.  Dihybrid cross, polygenic inheritance, Linked inheritance

5.  Population genetics                                            



1.     Mitosis

2.     Karyotype

3.     Meiosis

4.     Gametogenesis

5.     Variations in chromosome number I

6.     Variations in chromosome number II

7.     Variations in chromosome structure I

8.     Variations in chromosome structure II

   Colloquium I  

9.     Inheritance I

10.   Inheritance II

11.   Inheritance III

12.   Pedigree

13.   Population genetics

14.   Molecular genetics

15.   Methods of molecular genetics

    Colloquium II


To prepare for the practical and the final exam, students are advised to use recommended course materials, the tasks and questions from the lab workbook as well as those that have been done during the seminars.

Conditions for taking the FINAL TEST are:

-        presence on the lectures and labs

-        participation on seminars

Each colloquium contains 10 questions. It is necessary to do 6 out of 10 tasks to pass the colloquium. Properly done colloquium and dedication to the seminars can lead to a better mark.


PRACTICAL EXAM contains 4 tasks. It is necessary to do 3 out of 4 tasks to pass the practical exam.

FINAL TEST includes 50 questions.

The minimum of correct answers for passing the final test is 30.   


SEMINARS           10 points

COLLOQUIUMS    20 points

FINAL EXAM         70 points    (Practical exam 20 and FINAL TEST 50) 


POINTS                     MARKS
51 -  60                               6
61 -  70                               7
71 -  80                               8
81 -  90                               9
91 - 100                             10

Professor Suzana Cvjetićanin
Tel:   11 3607050; 11 3607040