Studies in English

Basics of Clinical Practice I

Basics of Clinical Practice I

Study program: Integrated academic studies Medicine

Course title: Basics of Clinical Practice 1

Course director: Maja Miličković

Course status: mandatory

Number of ECTS: 1

No condition


Course objectives

The aim of the course is to introduce clinical basics to students. The participants should be acquainted with the process of patient admission, assessment of the patient's general condition, determining the vital signs, taking biological material for laboratory analysis, medical records, patient care and nutrition, the use of oral and parenteral medications, and use of medical instruments.


Course outcomes

The knowledge acquired during the practical classes of BCP 1 enables the Doctor of Medicine to:

know the inpatient admission procedure,

know how to roughly determine the patient's general condition as critical, stable or fair, as well as the patient's state of consciousness according to the Glasgow Coma Score

know how to determine vitals independently

know how to take and transport biological material for laboratory analysis

know how to interpret the medication chart

know how to carry out daily patient care with the help of nurses

know how to prepare drugs for oral use, how to open ampoule containing medicine, how to dissolve the medicine, how to open the syringe and the needle for single use, how to fill the syringe with medicine and prepare the syringe and the needle for giving the injection

know how to give an intradermal injection

know how to use tweezers, forceps and scissors, as well as respect the principle of sterility when opening a scalpel

know how to prepare a solution for intravenous administration and how to dissolve the medicine in the appropriate infusion solution

know how to calculate the dose and rate of administration of appropriate intravenous drugs, as well as control the rate of administration of intravenous infusions and drugs


Members of Department

Course director - Associate professor Maja Miličković



Theoretical teaching is not provided, only practical.

Students perform practical teaching in different surgical departments


Grading policy

Form of the Final Exam and Conditions for Taking It

The final colloquium is in the form of a test, based on the official literature (handbook with practicum), and it takes place after the completion of the teaching period, during the regular exam terms at the teaching centers where the student practiced. Students are allowed to take the colloquium after completing the classes and practical exercises. The test may be taken in the last class or according to the schedule made by the teacher in charge. The index for semester verification, passed exam, and the application form should be signed by the responsible teacher of the respective teaching center. After completing the documentation in the respective teaching center, students will be informed about the time of certification of the documents by the subject seal at Clinic for Neurosurgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia


The final grade for the colloquium is "passed" or "not passed."



  1. Matić S, Grujičić D. Basic of clinical practice I. Textbook with practicum for first-year students of the Faculty of Medicine. Belgrade: CIBID;2024.


Course director - Associate professor Maja Miličković